About the Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom, Inc. Foundation
A Valued Partnership
For almost forty years, the Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) program has flourished thanks to the unity of a public private partnership. These two sectors have combined their efforts and resources, aiming to enhance the understanding of agriculture among students and teachers from kindergarten through twelfth grade. This special public private partnership ensures our program's stability and high regard in the agriculture and educational communities in Minnesota. Moreover, it's a model that effectively maximizes the resources available in both sectors, demonstrating the strength of collaboration in promoting agricultural literacy.

The Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom program increases agricultural literacy through K-12 education.
Agriculture is valued by ALL.

Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom, Inc. Foundation Strategic Goals:
- Provide oversight to Protect and Direct the mission of MAITC, Inc. Foundation.
- Prepare and empower educators to confidently build students' agricultural literacy.
- Provide meaningful agriculture experiences for K-12 students that support Minnesota State Education Standards.
- Promote access to no-cost educational resources and staff expertise.
- Protect the effective use of resources for long-term sustainability.
- Build and maintain partnerships to promote agricultural literacy.
- Set accountability measures for the Executive Director and MAITC team.
- Continue as a respected public private partnership and maintain non-profit, 501(c)(3) education status for the program.
Organizational Structure
The Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom, Inc. Foundation was established to support the MAITC program. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture is the lead for Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom program development and implementation, while the Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom, Inc. Foundation secures and manages private funds to support the overall program. Funds committed to the program from both sectors are leveraged many times over. This partnership, and donations from people like you, has allowed MAITC to offer educational materials for free since program inception in 1985.
The Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom, Inc. Foundation operates as a 501(c)3 not-for-profit charity and is led by a dedicated Board of Directors representing the agriculture and education communities. We rely on investments from individuals and organizations to continue our mission of increasing agricultural literacy in Minnesota K-12 education.

The Impact of Collaboration
During 2023-2024, 149,534 students (unduplicated number) in Minnesota enhanced their understanding of agriculture and its crucial position in our global community, all thanks to contributions from supporters like you!
Through these ag literacy initiatives, students were able to:
- Establish meaningful connections with the Minnesota growers, producers and ag industry professionals
- Gain knowledge of the role of innovative technology in sustainably addressing increasing agricultural needs
- Comprehend the relationship between agriculture, natural resources, and the economy
- Discover occupational opportunities within the agricultural sector beyond farming, enabling them to one day contribute to a robust, eco-friendly food system
If you are passionate about promoting the production of food, fiber, and fuel in the US, you can make a difference by ensuring ag literacy resources reach students everywhere. It merely costs $4 to equip a single student with valuable educational materials.
Join us in harnessing agricultural knowledge for a brighter tomorrow.
Together, let's cultivate an agriculturally literate society and empower future generations with a deeper understanding and appreciation of the vital role agriculture plays in our daily lives.