Ann Vote
Assist-Producer Farm Camp Ag Career Videos
Ann Vote has held multiple titles at Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom over the last 6 years. After 13 years as a social studies educator, Ann became a MAITC, Inc. Foundation Resource Specialist in southwest Minnesota in 2018. While helping educators get connected to MAITC curriculum and resources, she began work to create a new initiative within the organization, Farm Camp Minnesota. As the first Farm Camp Minnesota Program Director (2022-2023), Ann immensely enjoyed the work of connecting educators with AgHosts to build real-world connections for students to see their classroom content come to life in everyday agriculture.
Ann continues to support the MAITC mission as she gathers interviews and footage from across the state to create a diverse Agriculture Career Video Series. She is excited to help students to be able to see themselves and their skills in a future job by showcasing the wide array of agriculture careers in the state of Minnesota.