Summer is a very busy time for the Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom team, just as busy as the school year. I'm Ann Marie Ward Executive Director of the Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom foundation and I'd like to take this opportunity to extend a very sincere thank you on behalf of our team, board, educators and students of Minnesota.
Your Support Increases Our Impact
Your support of the mission of increasing agricultural literacy has allowed us to reach just in this last school year over 10,000 Minnesota students through Virtual Field Trips alone. Over 80,000 Minnesota students have learned about Minnesota agriculture through the AgMag, a K through 6 magazine specifically designed with academic standards in mind. Students have also engaged in the mission and vision of what's happening throughout Minnesota agriculture and conservation efforts.
Diverse Outreach Opportunities
Your investment makes a difference. The diverse outreach that is conducted by the Minnesota Ag in the Classroom team is almost as diverse as the agriculture of Minnesota. So whether it's a summer teacher tour, it's a virtual field trip, it's a professional development session for our educators in their classroom or online you can trust that Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom is utilizing your investment to make sure that our educators and our students have an opportunity to learn about the diversities of Minnesota agriculture and receive accurate information.

Ag Career Videos Coming Soon
One of the missions that come along with increasing agricultural literacy through K-12 education is helping our students of today see themselves in agriculture tomorrow. So with addition and opportunities to expand that sharing of agriculture come through the transportation grants through the ag career videos that will launch the end of June this year, we're very excited about that, and the many other diverse opportunities for being able to share with educators who then can share it for years to come with their classrooms. Thank you again!
Looking Ahead to 2025 and Beyond
Looking forward to 2025? I want to let you know that Minnesota is going to be host to the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference at the end of June 2025. We look forward to your continued support and participation. I'd love to see you there at the National Ag in the Classroom Conference to be hosted June of 2025 right here in Minnesota.
Thank you for all you do to make it possible for us to increase agricultural literacy through K-12 education!