Katie Drewitz
MAITC, Inc. Foundation Board Member
Why did you join the board?
I have been utilizing MN Ag in the Classroom resources most of my life. Serving on the board has afforded me the opportunity to give back to the organization that has provided so much to me. In addition, MN Ag in the Classroom is opening the world of food and agriculture to so many in Minnesotans and helping with that mission is important to me.
What MAITC program or initiative are you most passionate about and why?
As a Local Extension Educator and MN Farm Bureau volunteer I use the Ag Mags and Curriculum Matrix on a regular basis. I take Ag Mags to most of my community events to engage youth in Agriculture. I also host Tesmer Farm Safety Day each spring which is a program that reaches every 4th grade student in my two counties. Each of these students receives the Fall and Spring issues of Ag Mag. I rely on the curriculum matrix when participating in single day youth programming. I also use the matrix for soil, gardening, pollinator, and food activities for the Extension Master Gardener volunteers to use when teaching youth.
What is your favorite agricultural product and why?
Perfectly cooked pork chops! Growing up on a hog farm I became very particular about the cook on my pork. I love introducing pork enjoying novices to what pork can and should taste like!
What is your profession?
I am a University of Minnesota Local Extension Educator for Agriculture Production Systems, Horticulture and Natural Resources in Fillmore and Houston counties. Through this role I provide technical assistance, programming, resources and education for my counties.