Tiffany Kortbein

Tiffany Kortbein

MAITC, Inc. Foundation Board

Why did you join the board?

I joined the board so I could be a voice to teachers and farmers. I grew up on a one and operated dairy farm, and I have been teaching for eleven years. The products and curriculum offered through MAITC are products I use and believe in.

What MAITC program or initiative are you most passionate about and why?

I’m passionate about making sure lessons and materials are realistic to apply in the everyday classroom. I know time is valuable, and not everyone has an agricultural background so making things practical so any teacher can pickup and implement no matter upbringing.

Tiffany Kortbein

What is your favorite agricultural product and why?

The Ag Mag is my favorite product because I can use it at school then the kids take it home to share it with his/her parents. This is educating and bringing conversation from school to the children’s homes. It is also easy to use, doesn’t rely on technology, and provides hands on student engagement.

What is your profession?

I’m employed by Northfield Public Schools at Greenvale Park Elementary. I am a kindergarten teacher and in my 11th year teaching.