Haley Amman-Ekstrom
MAITC, Inc. Foundation Board Member
Why did you join the board?
I joined the board because I am passionate about helping the next generation succeed. I think the future of agriculture is bright and want to do my part in helping the industry flourish. From feeding animals to feeding the world, I think it is important for people to understand where their food comes from, who is producing it, and how they can help to make it even more successful. There is no food without farmers!
What MAITC program or initiative are you most passionate about and why?
Ag Mags and Farm Camp. I think those two pieces are so important to kids to have hands on visuals, and both do a fabulous job at giving kids real world hands on experience.
What is your favorite agricultural product and why?
Beef cattle! We have been raising cattle for the last 100 years on our century farm. They are an amazingly sustainable animal that doesn't give enough credit for all they truly do for the soil and people.
What is your profession?
I currently work in the energy sales department at NuWay-K&H Cooperative