Kari Schwab
Ex Officio Member
MAITC, Inc. Foundation Board
Why did you join the board?
I joined the MAITC Foundation board because I was looking for a way to become more involved in agricultural education, as well as wanting to give back to an organization whose work I already respected.
What MAITC program or initiative are you most passionate about and why?
The Resource Specialists - I saw the reach of MAITC grow exponentially since adding these roles to the team. They complement the work of the full-time staff, helping support their efforts, and are able to reach so many more teachers and students than we could before!

What is your favorite agricultural product and why?
FOOD! I love fresh food from the farmers market or quality meat that I know was raised well and is safe and wholesome my family. Food is central to many of our family gatherings, so not only do I get to enjoy eating it but it also sparks special memories, especially around certain times of year.
What is your profession?
I am the Program Coordinator for the Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council (MAELC). MAELC is a 16-member legislative council that provides leadership to promote and expand agricultural education in Minnesota. The state legislature, agricultural educators, and agriculture industry leaders are all represented on the council.